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Upset theatre
The main activities of UPSET are drama-action model workshops that connect civic activism, scientific research and non-formal education. The model was developed by sociologist Ivan Hromatko for his PhD thesis and it has been developing ever since. Hromatko’s model is rooted in public sociology and calls for a stronger involvement of social sciences in not only finding but promoting positive actions in our societies, based on the insights of scientific research.
In his own words: “Drama-action model is a public sociology rooted applied research model that gathers scientific insights and then acts upon those insights – as an agent of education and/or advocacy for stigmatised individuals and groups. It is a model that, similar to public sociology, does not “break” from the tradition but rather builds on it to produce deeper insight into difficult (or even taboo) subjects. More precisely, drama-action model is rooted in definition of stigma and destigmatisation by Erving Goffman; theory of social construction by Thomas Berger and Patric Luckmann, theatre version of rite of passage by Victor Turner; and participative version of action research developed by Kurt Lewin.”
Such drama-action workshops are places in which it is possible to work with and for stigmatised individuals and groups, educate and inform the public as well as advocate positive changes in the society, based on insights of a scientific research. An important part of being a public sociology model is that each drama-action workshop ends with a public performance that try to convey positive messages to the public and influence the society.
The model is modular, highly flexible and adaptable to any target group. Therefore, drama-action model can be used for scientific research of group dynamics or changes in attitudes, but it can also be used as places for working with stigmatised individuals, developing support groups, local community projects, evaluation, amateur theatre or non-formal education – at local or international level.
Our organisation UPSET implements, on its own or in partnership, drama-action model in a variety of activities:
- drama-action research;
- projects in the local community;
- non-formal education and amateur theatre;
- international partnerships and projects.
We are particularly proud that all of our activities end with public performances and scientific/professional/educational publications that you can use freely in our Mediateca >HERE<.