C8 Workshop and performance (Ventspils, Latvia): (2-7.7.2017)

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP & PERFORMANCE BY I+I (03.-07.07.2017.): I am free!.. 


„Only in playing is communication possible”

D.W. Winnicott


Freedom,..actually, what means to be free? People say:” Free like a child” Very right expression, because only in childhood we are free, we are really free of social borders, prejudice, masks and roles.But, why we are free exact in childhood? What makes us happy in our childhood? What we were doing in our childhood and what we lost growing up?-We all are playing in our childhood. We believe in fairytales. We all are princes and princess, full of grace and fearlessness. We communicate and cooperate with animals and other strange substances without any prejudice, some of them we can tolerate or not. Everything is possible and everything is very real in fairytales!

Ventspils-posterThe 8thpartnership workshop invites you to the Fairy, where we will try to discover different situation of everyday life from the Fairytale character’s position. Using fairytales scripts, we will widen the borders of ourselves and we will remove the borders of our relations with the others.

The workshop’s participants will go through a mixture of methods which is, basically, built upon a combination of Drama therapy,  which gives equal validity to body and mind within the dramatic context  and The Story Within . Y. Silverman :„To create, to enter the process, we must be willing to fully commit ourselves to the unknown.We don’t know where we are going or where we will end up. All we knowis that there is a path and there are those who have gone before, fought similar demons, and found hidden treasures. The Story Within is an approach which honours the process of entering the unknown, and provides a safe container in which the client can work through difficult material. Somewhere hidden in the depths of each story lies a treasure waiting to be discovered.”

While workshop participants will experience creative drama, national fairy tails, improvisation and role play, safe way to face difficulties, anxiety and fear and to find a new way to overcome it as well as learn more about their inner resources.


The workshop contributes raising of employability of people with disability by developing the EU Key Competences of participants and empowering them for the labor market, such as:

  • Cooperation and Collaboration
  • Adaptation and Adjustment
  • Self-Evaluation and Appraisal
  • Goal and Target Setting Skills and Abilities
  • Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;


The culmination of workshop will be flash-mob action “I am free!” held on 7 of July at one of the most popular places of Ventspils. This action will raise visibility of this social issue in the general public, raising awareness among audience and employers and will remove prejudice and stigma of PWD .


Ventspils workshop will involve people with disabilities and people who deal with the problems of disabled people from Greece, Latvia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Croatia, and Turkey. It is thematically concerned with increasing the employability of persons with disabilities and their skills.


The workshop will be held by educator, actor and drama therapist (board member of Latvian Drama therapy association) Anna Steina and occupational therapists Anasstasia Bajeva-Minalko and Jelena Kaskevich.

The workshop will be recorded and published on the E+ Platform to disseminate the results and invite other individuals and organizations to join activities and (or) use our work results.


The workshop takes place in the “Educathe +” partnership that is funded as part of the Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership.