C7 Workshop and Performance (Sofia, Bulgaria): Life with Masks (12-16 June 2017)

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International workshop by Teatar Tsvete (12 June 2017 – 16 June 2017): Life with Masks



The main subject of the seventh workshop of Educathe+ partnership “Life with Masks”’ is the inner masks in our life which help us to succeed or make us victims in different situations.

These are models of behaviour that we have adapted so that we can manage the challenges and that is happening just before we have discovered our true self.
Some of the masks help us to achieve our goals, others we are using to disguise our vulnerability. Often they are blocking us on an unconscious level and lead us in the same scenario over and over again without getting the most essential things: love, care, respect, connection with others.

The goal of the workshop is to explore the masks that we carry in different fields: love, family, carrier, disabled groups and society.
In the performance “Life with masks” we will look for various points of views and we will use different approaches: improvised puppets, face masks, forum theatre. The performance will be based on personal experience, thoughts and feelings on the subject of disability, destigmatisation of people with disability and raising their employability on the labour market.