C3 Workshop and performance (Brussels, Belgium): Frames

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Educathe+ Workshop C3 FRAMES – GC De Zeyp – Brussels 15 – 19 March 2016

The workshop C3 FRAMES’ subject and starting point will be the concept of ‘FRAMES’. What is a frame?

Wich types of frames do we recognize? Which frames do we experience as limiting, which frames are rather supportive and liberalizing.

Stigma, undervaluation, discrimination or exclusion from prejudice, ignorance or fear for the unknown (other) remain for many people a reality. This happens in daily life, at work or when searching work. The workshop C3 FRAMES aims to reach out tools to the participants with and without (apparent) disability, to profile and express their own skills and talents and will broaden the gaze of the spectators by inviting them to have a creative look on what the participants have to offer.

Deliberately the theatre is chosen as a safe place to work in all intimacy, respect, trust and freedom of thinking and acting. The workshop begins with the collection of information and work materials by brainstorming sessions and interviews with the participants on the theme ‘Frames’. The personal experiences, ideas, testimonies, thoughts, feelings and issues that come out of these, will be the building blocks and stepping stones to work with.

Theatre improvisations, dance and bodywork are applied to better know ourselves and ‘the other’. The material produced during the workshop will be prepared for a public performance. This representation contains a message for the audience which is invited after the show to a question and answer session with the participants.

The final performance will be held on 19 March 2016.

More about the performance can be found here -> Frames in De Zeyp (20 March 2016)


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