Adris Foundation: Violence and discrimination in medicine – research, education and prevention (2023-2024)

The research project “Violence and discrimination in medicine – research, education and prevention” is one of the eight funded programs that the Adris Foundation supported as part of the tender for the allocation of funds, in the field of “Knowledge and Discovery” (more information about the tender is available here).

The project manager is Rijeka Clinical Hospital Center, and project manager is Tatjana Ružić, specialist in psychiatry at KBC Rijeka.

As part of the project, a 90-second video is planned that will help present the research results to the public. Of course, the main results are in the scientific and professional publications that have arisen (and will yet arise) from this commendable research. The video was made with Canva software/app that provides professional tools to non-profit organisations for free, for which we are grateful. A big contribution in the preparation of video material was given by assistant Ph.D.  Zrinka Biloglav from the Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Ivanka Bukulin Zlatović, a media worker with more than 20 years of experience (including HRT) – who gave voice to our video material, and photographer Krume Ivanovski, whose photos are used in the video to show violence and discrimination among medical staff.

The UPSET association participated in the project due to our knowledge of the topic of mobbing, violence and discrimination in the workplace, which we have investigated several times through our drama-action research, and our primary role was, in a team environment, to create a video summary for the needs of this project.

Below are the main activities and results of the project:


  • Blanka Glavaš Konja, cardiologist specialist
    • Acute stress and reaction of the cardiovascular system
    • Consequences of chronic stress on cardiovascular health
  • Asst. Ph.D. Ivana Škrlec
    • Cells and stress
    • What do telomeres tell us?
  • Asst. Ph.D. Slavica Kovačić, specialist in radiology
    • The effect of chronic stress on the brain
    • Posttraumatic stress disorder and neuroimaging
  • Tatjana Ružić, specialist in psychiatry at KBC Rijeka
    • Psychological consequences of violence
    • Victim and bully
  • Asst. Ph.D. Zrinka Biloglav, specialist in epidemiology
    • Epidemiology of violence in medicine
    • What are discrimination and violence?


  • head of research Tatjana Ružić, specialist in psychiatry at KBC Rijeka
    • Questionnaire on violence and discrimination in the workplace
  • Ivanka Bukulin, journalist and media professional
    • Interview
      • Tatjana Ružić
      • Zrinka Biloglav
      • Victim


  • Digital booklet “Discrimination and violence”
  • Ivanka Bukulin
    •  Infographic
      • Victim
      • Mobbing
      • Sexual violence
  • Research paper


  • Results of the project Violence and discrimination in medicine – research, education and prevention (90 sec)