Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
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Since September 2019, UPSET became a partner in an international partnership called “Development of Virtual Learning Environments in Technical Higher Education”, or, VIRTEC, for short. The project is funded by the EU programme ERASMUS+.
The main objective of the project Development of Virtual Learning Environments in Technical Higher Education is to support the development of virtual learning environment for the effective use by technical higher education students. The main “tool” for achieving this goal is the “virtual house simulator” which will be developed during the implementation of this project.
UPSET was invited to join this partnership by Olga Ovtšarenko, lecturer of engineering graphics at TTK UAS Centre for Sciences and the main coordinator of the project, following the surprising exit of partner organisation Multikultura from the partnership (due to objective reasons) and following the personal cooperation experience that the coordinator and members of UPSET had in international projects, mainly in applying for Erasmus+ KA2 partnership on learning via virtual reality.
By joining this partnership, UPSET became a member of a consortium of vastly different partner organisations whose differences are purposefully joined in order to bring into the partnership a wide array of experience and skills that will result in a successful development of virtual learning environments in technical higher education. Our main role is to use our networks, experience and skills to promote VIRTEC virtual house simulator in Croatia and in Europe.
Partnership consortium consists of 5 organisations: TTK UAS (Estonia), VGTU (Lithuania), Multikultura (Poland), UPSET (Croatia), and Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of National Education (Turkey):
- TTK UAS Estonia is the main coordinator and in charge of the project. Their tasks also include working on modelling and design and writing research papers.
- VGTU Lithuania is engaged in the bulk of the work on modelling and design and writing research papers.
- Multikultura Poland advertised training materials in Europe (since September 2019, they have official exited the partnership due to objective reasons).
- Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of National Education Turkey is engaged in modelling, graphic design and promotion of teaching material in Turkey and abroad.
- UPSET Croatia carries out advertising and promoting educational material in Europe.
Working on this project for UPSET is a team of enthusiastic young volunteers Iva Jelinčić (arhitect), Ana Majdak (communication and PR staff), Milan Gostimir (software developer and virtual reality entrepreneur), Monika Bašić (PR assistant) and Ivana Gucek (PR expert and 3D printing entrepreneur) – who are working on dissemination of the outputs of this partnership and promoting VIRTEC in Croatia and Europe.
Here, UPSET will promote the project, and disseminate and archive all the project activities, outputs, and promotional materials.
Try the virtual house simulator (VIRTEC) and find additional information about the project on project’s official website here:
Also, please visit VIRTEC STUDY for more educational materials (H5P…) here:
- Development of learning environments in technical higher education
- 24 months: 1/10/2018 – 30/09/2020
- 17 months for UPSET: 13 September 2019 – 30 September 2020
- 2018-1-EE01-KA203-047108
- EE01 Foundation Archimedes (Tallin, Estonia):
- (COORDINATOR) Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool University of Applied Sciences (TTK UAS), from Tallin, Estonia (website:
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), from Vilnius, Lithuania (webiste:
- Multikultura, from Krakow, Poland:
- Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of National Education, from Kocaeli, Turkey (website:
- Association for Prevention of stigmatisation and education through theatre (UPSET), from Zagreb, Croatia (website:
Besides being focused on innovation and development of virtual learning environments, VIRTEC partnership includes several meetings of the project team (transnational project meetings) and short-term joins staff training’s.
- 1st Transnational project meeting held in Tallin, Estonia: 05 – 06/11/2018: Kick-off agenda
- 2nd Transnational project meeting held in Krakow, Poland: 09 – 10/04/2019: Agenda
- 3rd Transnational project meeting meeting & short-term joint staff training held in Vilnius, Lithuania: 7.10.2019: Agenda
- 4th Transnational project meeting meeting in Izmit, Turkey (cancelled due to COVID-19): 31/03 – 01/04/2020
- 5th Transnational project meeting meeting online (substitute online meeting, due to COVID-19): 07/09/2020: Agenda
- 6th Final presentation & Multiplier event of virtual simulators and interactive materials for learning and teaching; online, live from Tallinn, Estonia: 17/02/2021
- VIRTEC STUDY: online platform that includes free materials for interactive learning and teaching:
VIRTEC AR mobile app (available for free on Google Play)