Craftsmen and artisan digital empowerment and upskilling in Xmas market  (CADEAUX)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Programme Erasmus+ Key Action 2 (KA2) Strategic Partnership in Vocational Education and Training
National Agency PT01 – Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação
Contract number

Official webpage

2022-1-PT01-KA220-VET-000086009 / Erasmus+ project card
Title  Craftsmen and artisan digital empowerment and upskilling in Xas market  
Acronym CADEAUX (#cadeaux_upset)
Implementation  01 December 2022 – 30 November 2024 (24 months) // the project started with delay 1 December 2023 – 30 November 2024)
Total Budget 120.000 EUR
Coordinato:  Guerreiro & Silveira, Lda // Lisbon, Portugal //

Short description

Traditional craftsmanship is a handmade craft rooted in European territories as part of the local culture and economy, including the circular economy. It is necessary to keep artisan crafts alive, preserve access to artisanal products, and train them in the use of digital tools to improve their marketing. Christmas crafts represent a significant segment of the artisan sector, and in many cases, the craft businesses and start-ups are an opportunity to involve disadvantaged people providing them with social integration. Most artisans must learn how to manage digital marketing by themselves to present and sell their Christmas crafts to be included in artisan tourist markets in Europe. During the implementation of activities, we had the opportunity to know and analyze the needs of this sector linked to the globalization and digitalization of markets. Consumers are more attracted to cheap products they can buy online, and the young generation is much more interested in quantity than quality, for this reason, we want to teach artisans to introduce digital technologies and strategies within their core business to make it more solid, effective, competitive, guaranteeing quality without, of course, losing sight of skills, history and tradition. 



We aim to sponsor products with high quality by showing buyers to recognize the quality and value of artisan products. We will implement both transnational and local activities inside of 2 WPs to create as tangible results of this project Christmas digital marketing manual addressed to craft businessmen/women working in the Christmas art and crafts sector including guidelines with practical instructions in a set of 5 training modules and Pilot Training Course: CADEAUX to give artisans digital skills and competencies to manage the most useful digital tools to enhance their business, creativity and digital readiness, by applying the resources of the Christmas digital marketing manual. The project idea was born from this concept: allow even small businesses to learn how to build a digital strategy to develop their branding project.




  • 13.10.2023. WP4 Erasmus+ Days, CADUEAX project presentation: #CadeauX
  • 01.04.2023:Promotional materials are published (logo)
  • 08.05.2023 TPM1 The first Transnational project meeting (Lisbon, Portugal)
  • 02.06.2023: Presenation of the project at Open Door Days of NGO’s, organised by the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of Republic of Croatia: LINK
  • 17.4.-31.7.2023: Online research (Zagreb, Hrvatska): Dobre prakse i potrebe za razvoj tržišta blagdanskih ručnih radova
    • Questionnarire: here
  • 10-16.10.2023. LTTA Learning, Teaching, Training activity (Antalya, Turska): foto
  • 24.1. – 30.03.2024 WP3 Piloting educational course (workshops): “Anytime and Anywhere: Learn to run a digital campaign with simple tools (Zagreb, Croatia):  foto
  • 10-13.05.2024. TPMFinal Final  Trasnational project meeting (Napoli, Italy): foto
  • 8.6.2024. Presenation of the project at Open Door Days of NGO’s, organised by the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of Republic of CroatiaLINK
  • 15.10.2024. Publication – free cource on EPALE in Croatian language : “Bilo kad i bilo gdje: Naučite voditi digitalnu marketinšku kampanju jednostavnim alatima”: LINK
  • 15.10.2024. Publicaion of E-Book (Manual) in Croatian language on EPALE: “Digitalno osnaživanje i usavršavanje obrtnika i umjetnika s božićne tržnice CADEAUX: LINK
  • 18.10.2024. WP4 Erasmus+ Days, 1st Day presenation of CADEAUX final results, and of UPSET NGO projects: at Qanah humanitarian shop
  • 19.10.2024. WP4 Erasmus+ Days, 2nd Day presenation of CADEAUX final results, and of UPSET NGO projects: at Radiona – makerspace
  • 10-11/2024 Promotion of CADEAUX project results: via social media, online, and at local and international meetings in person
  • 31.11.2024. The end of the project and star of reporting