PRATITE UPSET NA /// /// ///
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Upset theatre
In addition to the primary activities of dramatic-action workshop, UPSET organizes and supports projects that contribute to the community, especially those who are on any basis stigmatized in society.
In this UPSET implemented their projects, but also supports informal groups of young people and allows them to realize their projects which have been identified as needed in the community and quality.
One such project was the project “Cresujem I, cresuješ you – empowering children in the welfare system” which in 2012 as a project financed by the Youth in Action (Eng. Youth in Action) and was conducted under the supervision of the Agency for Mobility and EU programs.
This is a project that designed and implemented the participants dramatic-action workshop – which is an indication that the activities UPSET can trigger the development of other projects that contribute to reducing the stigma and encouraging non-formal education.
Inspired by the experiences of the workshops during which they develop group cohesion, part of the participants are actively involved in the development and implementation of the project in which they UPSET provide the necessary support always taking into account that creative freedom remain the holders of the project that are conceived project.
More information on this project can be found on the page “Cresujem ja, cresuješ ti – empowerment of children in the social welfare system.“