This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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Upset theatre
Welcome to the E+ Platform!
This is a open source tool produced by partners of the Educathe+ (Educational theatre as the place of raising inclusion and employability of people with disability) and financed by Erasmus+, the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport.
Besides here, information about the project is available on formal website of European Commission and Erasmus+ programme -> European Commission and Erasmus+.
As the partnership develops, various tools for working with and for people with disability will be uploaded to the E+ platform, or E+ Toolbox:
- E+ Partnership documents
- E+ Educational videos
- E+ Documentary
- E+ Evaluation results and materials
You are welcome to freely use the materials and tools from the E+ Platform for educational purposes – keeping in mind the well being and integrity of individuals who might appear in media materials and tools (e.g. photos, videos).
- E+ About the Partnership
- E+ Partner organizations
- E+ Workshops and project meetings
- E+ Performances
- E+ Toolbox
We are especially proud that our project has become an example of good practice, published on the website of the Agency for Mobility and EU Programs, as a project leading to an inclusive society (read more about our project here). Also, our method of drama-action research was presented at the first Tool Fair back in 2017 (fair of educational tools) in Croatia, organized by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programs (read more about the fair here).