Perfomance “Faces on Stage, Faces on Camera” (17 January 2016 // Thesssaloniki, Greece)

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Thessaloniki, Greece – Aratos

Performance 17.1.2016 20.30 h (free entrance)

Theatro Aratos

Moskov 12, Thessaloniki


The second workshop and performance of the partnership is an action theatre expression “Faces on stage, faces on camera”. The face shows the expression of our feelings and the participants will be prepared to express their thoughts and their feeling using theatrical methods like Grotowski.

Aratos logo asproThe performance on 17th January 2016 will involve people with disabilities and people who deal with the problems of disabled people from Greece, Italy, Latvia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Belgium and Croatia, and which is thematically concerned with increasing the employability of persons with disabilities and their skills.

The workshop takes place in the “Educathe +” partnership that is funded as part of the Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership.

The workshop is held by Vasileios Tsikaras.


Description of the five day workshop:

Participants work on improvisation expressing their feelings and thus try to bridge their differences. During the rehearsals every participant will use a camera to record short parts of the rehearsals, especially the expressions of participants. Workshop will end with a public performance at Theatre Aratos.

The purpose of the workshop and the final performance is to help participants to be more Aratos as a theatre group specializes in theatrical improvisation emphasizing social issues, attitudes, reactions in our daily life, human relations. Aratos is also an open theatrical community for teaching to PWD and non-visible disabled people who have several chronic.

Our organisation’s members have diverse knowledge about how to use theatre in everyday-life. Also they are experienced in applying theatre, in-group processes and organize – produce of any kind of shooting (filming).

Our main target is to apply theatre in the social field helping people express their feelings.

One of our main targets is also the filming of daily life as a piece of artistic social filming.

The workshop will be filmed from the beginning to end.


Hosts, Assistants, Technicians and Volunteers:

Vasileios Tsikaras, Ioannis Perdikis, Kyriaki Spyrou, Christina Lioliou, Eleni Gianniou, Maria Vlachou, Katerina Balaska, Panagiotis Perperidis, Panagiotis Lefkas, Maria Maglavera, Maria Papadopoulou.

Ενσωματωμένη εικόνα


Amateurs and professionals from Latvia, Greece, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Turkey and Croatian – participants of an international theatrical and educational workshops on employability of people with disabilities. People with disabilities and those who work with them will perform by combining the non-formal education and performance art (educators, theatre practitioner, dancers, etc.).