Keys to Employability: Social Entrepreneurship (2017)

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
EC Project Number: 2016-2-PL01-KA105-027323
National Project ID: 0000504078
Project title: Keys to Employability: Social Entrepreneurship
Organisation Legal Name: FAJNA Spoldzielnia Socjalna

Association for prevention of stigmatisation and education through theatre (UPSET) participated as a partner in Erasmus+ KA1 youth worker mobility training project organised by FAJNA Spoldzielnia Socjalna from Katowice (Poland), partnering with “International Center for Intercultural Research, Learning and Dialogue” NGO from Yerevan (Armenia), Caucasus Youth Nexus from Tbilisi (Georgia), NGO “Agency for Regional Development of Transnistria” iz Tiraspol (Moldova), Autonomous non-commercial organisation Competence Building Centre from Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), ZAVOD TRI from Škofja Loka (Slovenia), Ukraina Razom from Kijeva (Ukraine) and CEiS Ayrshire from Cambridge (UK).

The project consisted of training for developing social enterprises and of training or trainers who can educate others on social entrepreneurship and developing their own social enterprises. At the end of the training, further activities, networking and development of social enterprises are planned.


Members of UPSET participated in the training: Ivan Hromatko, Ivana Rončević and Alma Sarač – who received YouthPass certificate for social entrepreneurship and key competences. Here are their impressions:

Arriving at this training, I had certain theoretical foreknowledge, but I haven’t had any direct experiences with social entrepreneurship. So, my primary motivation was to meet organisations that do social entrepreneurship (or plan to), to network and gain concrete, practical knowledge on how to start a social enterprise. I can say that I gained basic knowledge necessary for developing social enterprise and that the biggest benefit that I personally feel is that since my return I have been planning projects of social entrepreneurship. I hope some of them will see the light of day. – Ivan Hromatko
Before coming to Aghrevan to Erasmus+ education I had a very limited idea about what SE is and what it stands for. Therefor, I was motivated to gain information and knowledge about organisation and business solutions of such enterprises. At the same time I was curious to learn about already existing practices and to establish potential partnerships.  Trough out the workshop I have gained basic knowledge on business frames and guidelines and legal elements of social enterprises which were presented theoretically and exemplary. All achieved benefits I will use as a frame for my own work and will officially and unofficially share the knowledge with colleagues and all parties interested. – Ivana Rončević
Up until now I had a wrong perception about SE. Before having participated in this training course I was not able to distinguish between the two: SE and CRS (corporate social responsibility). This was a good motivator to attend a great Erasmus + training course, learn how to use creative and innovative methods as well as gain a good idea what and where SE future is. Finally I can say I am able to recognise local opportunities and new possibilities for unique and open type networking. SE is a very good tool for integration and empowerment of economic and social values, a solution to a specific social problem, and still can focus on targeted social groups which are within my reach of work. – Alma Sarač

Below are training materials that you are free to use.

MATERIJALI : Documents, presentations -> click to access

FOTOS: (click on a photo to access the album)

Keys to Employability: Social Entrepreneurship