Peformance “Invisible Ability” during European Theatre Night published on Cekate (21.11.2015. u 20h)

Dear friends and visitors,

we ause this opportunity to inform you that the description of the “Invisible Ability” performance, which we will hold on 21st November 2015 at 20.00h at the Trešnjevka Cultural Centre (Cekate) has been announced on the official page of the Cekate.

Beside that you will, by being in the audience of our performance, see the newly decorated space of the Trešnjevka Cultural Centre ,one special value of the performance is that it will occur during the European theatre night which will make the message of the performance – which is mainly about inclusion and employability of PWD – more visible in the public eye and in the eye of the employers.

Not to mention you will honour the first performance of the workshop participants – people with disability (PWD) and people who work with PWD by means of theatre and performative arts.

It is a free admission and, therefore, we invite all to participate and invite others to join the performance on 21st November 2015.

The full announcement published on can be found here – > Invisible Ability at CEKATE



NOĆ KAZALIŠTA: “Nevidljiva sposobnost”

TNT Theatre hall of the Trešnjevka Cultural Centre, 21 Novembe 2015 at 20.00h

Free admission

Authors and heads of the workshop / Ivan Hromatko and Nataša Jurišić (UPSET)

PERFORMING / participants from seven European countries (Croatia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Belgium and Italy); people with disability (PWD) and people who work with that group by menas of theatre and performing arts.