This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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The terms used on this site and have the meaning of gender, are used neutrally and apply equally to male and female gender.
Programme | Erasmus+ Key Action 2 (KA2) Strategic Partnership in adult education |
National Agency | UK01 British Council, in partnership with Ecorys UK – British Council |
Contract number | 2020-1-UK01-KA227-ADU-094683 |
Title and official EU webstite | Urban Survival Kits |
Acronym | USK |
Implementation | *1 March 2021 – 28 February 2023 (24 months)
* Start postponed until 30 June 2021 due to COVID-19 |
Total Budget | 250.145,00 EUR |
Coordinator: | Arts & Disability Forum – University of Atypical (UoA) // Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom // |
Partners |
The Urban Survival Kits project is a trans-national learning initiative exploring how Adults With Disabilities (AWD), including atypical and neurodiverse, can be supported with their
local, national and international travel needs. USK builds on the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and removes barriers in physical infrastructure; accessibility of information,
and creates effective communication tools.
Without immediate intervention; people with disabilities will continue to be the most deeply impacted and isolated people in our society. The long-term implications of the pandemic and
additional challenges they face in daily life mean that without the opportunities to reengage and connect they will remain largely excluded. The partnership is designed to maximise the
impact of “Urban Survival Kits” (USK): an innovative program with staff and the adults with disabilities they support (AWD).
USK is an individually centred program delivered through a variety of artistic mediums/techniques and integrated through digital media.
USK is introducing innovative ways of thinking and working and developing a range of skills based on the key competencies of lifelong learning.
Through intensive hands-on training, the 12 staff will directly experience each element and outcomes of the program. Their experience, reflective learning and expertise will directly
inform and refine the workshops delivered to AWD in each partner organisation.
A series of online workshops will be delivered to 24 AWD, supported by staff, creating a specifically tailored, inclusive and immersive learning experience. This integrated structure
provides a safe way of experimenting, externalising, reframing and ultimately sharing their real-life stories and experiences. Increasing the relevance, level of engagement and long-
term impact and opportunities it will create.
Activities include:
1 STT (5) days (15) Staff
1 blended mobility workshop (5) AWD (30) support staff (15)
1 Blended mobility workshops (5) AWD (30) support staff (15)
5 Multiplier Events partner-based.
1 International Multiplier event
1 Awards Multiplier Event (+online International virtual exhibition tour)
20 Partner online meetings
4 Transnational meetings
Partner organisations from Northern Ireland, Croatia, Turkey, and Poland provide a holistic integrated approach to the educational goals of USK – collectively creating an adaptable
blueprint for Survival Kits which can be adapted for any place, time or situation.
During 24 months, partners will translate, adapt and consult directly in contact with the artist. Establishing a collaborative process of ongoing evaluation, optimising the accessibility of
all teaching and learning methods, materials and instruction manuals for each partner organisation.
Participants will:
– experiment with new artistic and digital mediums for self-expression, exploration and navigation of the world around them
– build directly transferable life skills needed to orientate and negotiate the independent adventures ahead
– develop their creative, digital competencies and create any survival kit they will ever need
– practice hands-on training, digital recording content from their site Digital Trail working as part of a rotating film crew
– prepare an Exhibition, showcasing their Survival Kits, Digital Trails, Artworks and UV inventions. A unique opportunity to re-connect and interact as part of a larger group
– create a universal/traditional game for Livestream interaction, providing an opportunity to share interact and network international platform
An International Exhibition of selected works at the University of The Atypical Public Gallery will create a way of engaging peers, policymakers, government agencies and creating a
new international audience and online presence – transforming individual and collective narratives; establishing them as survivors, leaders and peer advocates of the future.
The Digital Trails Website and the app will also be launched, creating a sustainable network linking each of the Live Digital Trails which can be followed and contributed to. The growth
of live interactive Digital Trails will provide a sustainable mechanism to connect, communicate and re-engage through an accessible network; enriching social interaction, leading the AWD across Europe.
The USK Awards and selected works will tour via a 3-d printer and be reproduced and presented to the participants in each partner country.
By creating and sharing their own USK, the learners and teachers will:
– adapt the process for their re-engagement and active participation in wider society
– create new strategies to prepare them for reconnecting and engaging with daily life and journeys of any distance or kind
– create their own personal dialogue and means of communicating beyond the confines of traditional language
– Collectively creating a universal language, dialogue, teaching and learning tools providing a reusable framework for inclusivity in adult education and dire
More info can be also found on the Coordinator’s webpage:
MAP OF PARTNER ORGANISATIONS (click on image to open interactive map)
- June 12, 2021 Open Days of Associations 2021: Presentation of our inclusive Erasmus + projects CRAFT: IN and Urban Survival Kits (read more about the activity here)
- July 7, 2021. Transnational project meeting (TPM1) held online (host UoA) // due to COVID-19
- January 24-26, 2022. Learning, teaching, and training activity (LTTC1) held online (host UoA)
- February 26, Transnational project meeting (TPM2) held in Zagreb, Croatia (host UPSET)
- June 27, – July, 1 2022 Learning, teaching and training activity (LTTC2 Blended) (host UoA)
- April 16, – April, 21 2023 Learning, teaching and training activity (LTTC3 Blended), held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK (host UoA)
- May 16 – May 23, 2023. Multiplier Exhibitiomn “Urban Surivival Kit”, held in Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Croatia (host UPSET)
- June 2, 2023. Presentation of project at the NGO’s Open Door Day, hosted by the Croatian Government Office for Non-government organisations
- June 16-17, 2023. Transnational project meeting (TPM4) held in Antalya (host. Akdeniz University)
Instruction Manual – Download here
Learning Blueprint- Curriculum Download here
Exhibition and Learning Programme
Urban Survival Kit Download here
Exhibition “Urban Survival Kit”, MSU Extension (May 16, 2023 – May 23, 2023)
16.05.2023 - 23.05.2023 / MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART / EXTENSION
For the last three years, the Museum of Contemporary Art has been implementing the Different and Equal project, within which it is developing various special programs in which people with disabilities participate. There is a special emphasis on people with intellectual disabilities, who are often an underrepresented group when we talk about people with disabilities.
In 2019, the MSU began cooperation with the Association for Support of People with Intellectual Disabilities of the City of Zagreb and the group of Squirrels, who have been frequent participants in museum programs ever since.
This time we present the collective exhibition Urban Survival Kit – Urban survival kits (USK), which presents individualized artistic and practical works and objects that people with disabilities need to better manage movement, communication and interaction in urban environments and on trips. The concept of the exhibition follows the activities of the international project of the same name, Urban Survival Kit, co-financed by the European Union and the Erasmus+ program.
As part of the project, initial workshops were organized for users of the Squirrel Club, and a trip to Belfast where six of our ambassadors traveled to participate in a workshop and an international exhibition. The trip to Belfast is a kind of crown of the project, which presents the abilities and skills of male and female artists, beneficiaries of the Squirrel club program of the Association for the Support of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities of the City of Zagreb.
The exhibition is organized by the Association for the Prevention of Stigmatization and Theater Education – UPSET, with the cooperation of the Museum of Contemporary Art and other associations and enthusiasts who have been collaborating for years on projects of benefit and interest to people with disabilities and whose activities promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in cultural and artistic life.
Exhibition concept and photography: Filip Beusan
Leaders of creative workshops: Svjetlana Bobinac and Karmen Puškar
Artists: Branimir Barun, Vedran Vranar, Evica Perković, Božena Simatović, Samija Zaydan, Mia Sertić, Zoran Bralić, Mateo Milin, Mislav Grgas, Nataša Tisanić, Danko Mijatović, Zvonimir Drkulec, Antonela Kuštra, Nikola Ivan Kranželić, Jasmina Forić, Matija Pavliček , Martina Plemenčić, Nikola Cikojević, David Hrdelja, Nives Rizman
Organization: Daniela Bilopavlović Bedenik
The opening of the exhibition “Urban Survival Kit – Urban survival kits” will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 12 noon, in the Esktenzija gallery of the Museum of Contemporary Art, with an appropriate reception, project presentation and ceremonial awarding of certificates to the artists.
Admission is free, and the exhibition will be open until May 23, 2023.
Please confirm your arrival at the opening by sending a short email to